The ranking system on the server will be updated fully before the official release. Below is a list of commands you can currently do at your rank.
Text in blue is newly added as of 28th December
- [U] - Un-Registered
- /motd
- /help
- /list
- /spawn
- Ability to build and destroy blocks.
- Ability to lock chests. (Right click one with a sign).
- /lockette
- Ability to accept or deny teleport requests. (/tpaccept | /tp deny).
- Able to read and clear your /mail.
- [R] - Registered
- All of [U]'s commands +
- /home
- /me
- /msg OR /t
- /r (Reply to a /t message).
- Ability to post links (URL's) in chat.
- /delhome
- /warp list
- [F] - Frequent Flyer
- All of [R]'s commands +
- Ability to set 2 homes. (/sethome ONE /sethome TWO ...)
- /time (To view the map time if you're in a cave or something...)
- [D] - Donator
- All of [F]'s commands +
- /kit
- /stack (Not implemented yet).
- /top
- /back
(Will most likely be removed). - /clear | /ci (Clears your inventory)
- /sethome
- Ability to set 4 homes.
- /tpa (Can send teleport requests).
- /tpa here (Request a player to teleport to you).
- /book edit (Edit any signed books in your hand).
- Ability to use colours ni chat. (&c &e &0 &9 &b &a &f).
- [C] - Community Staff
- All of [D]'s commands +
- /kick
- /tp
- /tphere
- /tempban
- /mute
- Access to all the kits.
- /tempban PLAYER timeInSeconds.
- /co help
- /co i (Ability to check the block logs to see who built or removed said block.)
- [M] - Moderator
- All of [C]'s commands +
- /ban
- /oi (Look at someones inventory. Suspected thiefs etc...)
- /god
- /fly
- /broadcast
- [A] - Admin
- Tooooo many to list ;)
server is down, has been for i while, hope to see it back