What is happening?
The plugins listed below will be REMOVED as of Saturday 15th at 8am GMT.- Lockette
- Protectionstones (Current claims will remain for another month, then unclaimed).
- Friendlyhopper (You can all use hopper minecarts again!).
The reason for this is because of the plugin that recently came to light for me. It's called GriefPrevention
It's a damn lot simpler than having 3 separate protection plugins running which causes lagg.
What do I need to do?
If you can, please, please, please login to the server and re-protect your builds/items with the new GriefPrevention plugin. If you are unsure how to claim land just type ingame "How do i claim land?" and it will provide a link. The new GriefPrevention plugin is very smart and helps you along the way. Protect your chests first, before protecting your whole build.
If you require more claim blocks, please mail oppdelta, vido20 or cfreaper2:
EG: /mail oppdelta Hey, need more claim blocks for 1200x 25y -130z